Our Mission

Ever since the band saw the light of day, Stonebreakers have never been trying to reinvent the wheel. We do however try to shed light on a genre that has been decaying in terms of new music being made. We think that modern technology has made it easier to make records and opened a world of new ways of producing music. The downside is that the fashion made a compromise on quality and has created a market for mass produced hit singles where things like auto-tune and drum samples now rule the world.

We do know we're not alone in this boat, fighting a war against fake pop stars that can't sing, doing lip-sync on live performances, while the audience is spending their money on a gig, believing they are getting bang for the buck. That's a scene we're not willing to take a part of, and we think the public deserves better. Not going to mention names here, however we can't hold back the fact that such things are now becoming more and more common on the rock scene as well. And the thing that concerns us most isn't that it's getting more normal, but the fact it's being accepted by the ticket buyers, either because of pure ignorance, not knowing any better, or simply because they just don't care.

The fact is that the average ticket buyer isn't concerned about fake performances, as long as they get to see the artists they love and adore, on a close hold. Stonebreakers are not only a true band in those terms, serving you real, tight performances, that have taken hours and hours of rehearsals and tweaking, not to mention all the practice and experience that each of us had in our backpacks, before we got together in this five man unit. We are as much rivals as a rock 'n roll band. We do whatever it takes, working behind the curtains, to give you as a ticket buyer, attending our gigs, supporting us on social media, etc. a pure and true product. And even though if we can't push the envelope, at least we have set standards for ourselves and our audience, that you won't get away from no matter if you buy our records or attend our concerts.

The fact is that the average ticket buyer isn't concerned about fake performances, as long as they get to see the artists they love and adore, on a close hold.

Our mission is not only to make pure, down-stripped, balls-to-the-wall rock 'n roll relevant again, that's just a part of it. We also want to prove that music can still be ever so catchy, with loud, ballsy guitar sounds, non-compromising drums, bass lines that are spitting fire on you along with vocals that are howling rebellious lyrics all over the place.

So if you are looking for an act that doesn't rely on fancy auto-tune machines, guitar pedal boards that are taking up a considerable amount of space, and drum machines that are programmed with recorded and processed samples, we are the band for you, along with a bunch others. We might not be that easy to locate among the crowd, but you can bet your ass we're out there!